A former US Senator and Congressman are arguing Republicans care about affordable housing too. Senator Scott Brown and Congressman Carlos Curbelo have written an op-ed for The Hill arguing that affordable housing is an issue that is tailor-made for Republican approaches to policymaking — and Republicans in Congress should seize this opportunity.

  • To boost economic growth and expand prosperity for low- and moderate-income families, Republicans today should support the following steps: First, increase the production of affordable housing…Second, preserve the existing stock of affordable housing…Third, help families afford and access housing.

Brown and Curbelo note that Republicans have spearheaded this issue before. Jack Kemp, President George H. W. Bush’s housing and urban development secretary, established a program to encourage public housing tenants to buy their apartments, launched efforts to fight housing discrimination, sought tax incentives to revitalize troubled neighborhoods and proposed removing regulatory barriers that impede the construction of new affordable homes.

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