Job openings fell but remained elevated and still well over 11 million, according to the Job Openings And Labor Turner Summary…(BLS)
- Job openings decreased to 11.4 million on the last business day of April, this is down from the record high of 11.85M reported in March.
- The drop was thanks to a 266,000 decrease in health care and social assistance jobs followed by retail trade (-162,000), and accommodation and food services (-113,000).
The great resignation appears to still be going strong as quits held steady at 4.4 million in May…
- Quits saw the biggest gain in real estate and rental and leasing with 37,000
- The biggest drop was in state and local government education that reported a 19,000 decrease.
NOTE: The labor market remains incredibly tight as layoffs hit a series low of 1.2 million.