“Gov. Kathy Hochul, a moderate Democrat, is taking on the daunting task of forcing suburbs to embrace housing, in a mission to get 800,000 units built over the next decade and ease the state’s housing crisis” Mihir Zaveri, Luis Ferré-Sadurní and Michael D. Regan write in the New York Times
- Chronically Underbuilt. “By one measure, Westchester County and Long Island have allowed fewer homes to be built per person in the past decade than the regions around nearly every other major U.S. city, including San Francisco, Washington, D.C., and Boston.“
- Two-Part Plan. “One would force every community to expand its housing stock every three years by set percentages — 3 percent downstate and 1 percent upstate. Another could force communities to allow at least 50 homes per acre on average to be built within a half-mile of many Long Island Railroad and Metro-North stations.”